I used to ask myself if it that some of us are lucky enough to be born into the right family, or is there a secret formula that we can use to get what we want, to be the person we want in spite of the trials and obstacles.
If not, what is the cause of the difference in the life of the people in this world. This was a puzzle and I was in search for an answer.
First I started reading many books, think and grow rich, the greatest secret, rich dad poor dad, and many others.
If only wishes were enough, then half 1/3 of the population will hit the lotto or the megabucks this week and I will have my horse and puppy. So I concluded there was more into it.
But it occurs to me, maybe it is indeed more than wishing, is about knowing what you want, and be prepare to receive it.
This may sound crazy but if you are wanting to win the lotto but you only talk about the lack of money and your mind is in the state of lack, then you are not ready to receive.
If indeed we have a unique power within us that I call God to me, then I must be desire and prepare myself to receive.
Must wishes are just words coming out of our mouth, but not what we really want as must of the time we donβt really know and change our minds all the time.
So what we should do, write down on a piece of paper what it is that you really want. And read it 3 times a day until you are sure that is what you want. Think of it as many times as you can, but keep it to yourself no need to tell the world yet. DO not try to figure out how you will make it happen, just figure out what is it that you really want in life.
Now live your life if you were that person. And prepare for what it’s come. In the time it will come, but you must be fully prepared to receive.
For example, if you want to be a youtube star, then start making videos, start learning how to use the software needed, go to conventions, study social media and marketing, and keep preparing yourself for it. Once you are ready it will come.
You want to be a millionaire? Like Kiyosaki said, learn the language of the rick, in other words, learn how to manage money, learn investments, go to classes and prepare yourself for it.
Even better, always remember is better to wish good things for others and not just for yourself.
Hope this all makes sense.
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