5 principal laws of the Universe.
1- The LAW OF ONENESS This law establishes that we are all connected. Everything is connected to everything else. We are all one consciousness, one body and we all belong to the Divine all knowing, the matrix, pure consciousness sometimes also known as Life Force or God.
2- THE LAW OF VIBRATION This Law says that everything vibrates and is moving. If we put a rock under a microscope we will see that is molecules are moving. Like my mentor used to tell me, WE LIVE IN AN OCEAN OF MOTION.
Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Why? Because everything that we speak has a vibrational frequency. Everything is energy. Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy.
3- THE LAW OF ACTION The Law of Action must be executed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that support our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.
For example: if you say you want to win the lottery but you only talk about the lack of money. You are saying one thing and moving the opposite direction.
Unless you take actions that are in harmony with your thoughts and dreams and proceed moving into the right direction, you are fooling yourself.
4- THE LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE As within, so without, as above, so below. … The Law of Correspondence basically says that our current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us. Our reality is a result of our innermost dominant thought.
For example, If we hold negative thoughts internally, then our outer world will be full of drama and chaos.
In order to change our outer world, we must first take a good look in the mirror and change the inner man.
5- THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT This law states that for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause, there is a definite effect. Your thoughts, behaviors, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it.
That is why is so important for doing good things, cause the effect will be even more good things will be spread over the world.
Remember every time you do a good deed, the world becomes a better place. Every action has a reaction.
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