I hear adults saying all the time, “Time is money”
Have you ever thinking about that? I totally disagree with that statement. Time is not money, as when you have a dollar and you spend it, you can get another dollar and many more dollars. But when you send an hour, you cannot get an extra hour in your day. You just can’t is gone gone. You can get money back but not time.
So, why am I telling you this? Well, think about it my friend. Time is precious. And unless you start taking control of your future NOW you are wasting time and you won’t get that time back.
Change your attitude toward your future. To be successful team up with other successful kids that will encourage you and raise you up. Do not try to do this journey alone. Join our community of game changers and let’s change the world together.
Danger in life is real, but FEAR is a choice. You can choose to live your life in fears or you can choose to be brave and overcome it.
Be bold, and embrace those dreams, be bold and dream big.
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