Sometimes I just sit in the bench and look at people and study their behavior, hear their conversations and could not help but wonder, why? Why do we always have an excuse instead of just doing and moving forward?
It is so easy toย find an excuse for why we have not done the job. Or even easier to blame someone else like our brothers and sisters. I did not do it because…. Stop right here … That is just an excuse!
If you want to do something, DO IT. You will notice soon that I love NIKE’s phrase JUST DO IT!
In life we need to start leaving the excuses behind and just do it. Star exactly where you are and do the best you can. You will start moving slowly but slowly and the doors will open.
Excuses are not going to take us any where. Only action and dreams will take us there. Is not that hard, just start moving. Is like pushing a car, first is hard, then slowly but slowly it start moving easier. Trust me, I was there pushing the car when our tired was flat. It was an aha moment for me and a message from the Universe telling .. SKY ย .. just DO IT. Start writing from your heart and tell the world how you feel, what you think and how much amazingness is ahead of us.
So your challenge today is to look around you and think .What is that … that I want to do? What is that .. I must start to do NOW. Find it and stop looking for excuses .. JUST DO IT!
Please share with me your stories .. I will love to hear it.
Always SKY ๐
February 16, 2017
so real SKY
February 16, 2017
never give out or surrender, keep going.