I was reading about how to be motivated and break bad habits and replace with good ones. I know, this sounds easy but it could be quite challenging. The key to succeed is consistency and determination. These are a few guidance that worked for me and my friends in our search to improve our life for the best…
There were the things that worked for us. I recommend you bring your journal out and start taking notes before you make any change. That way we can easily come back and w how far we have moved in this journey:
- For each bad habit, identify your trigger. For example if the bad habit is procrastination and not studying ahead of time and waiting until the last day. Identify the reasons you do that, beside being lazy of course. What is taking your time to the point you are ignoring a step that will help you get better grades.
- For each trigger, identify the positive way to fix it. Ok let’s day we are procrastinating as we invest the rest of the afternoon after homework to play PS4 with our friends. So a quick solution to fix this bad habit is to set 30 extra minutes a day to review materials.
- Be consistent. Once you agree on a good habit, be sure you implement it for 30 days. If you fail a day, you need to start counting again. Consistency is they key. The more consistent you are, the better habits you will create for you live.
- Stay positive. Being positive is the key, I know you will think but taking 30 minutes from my playing is hard, yet but getting bad grades is even harder. So it is easier to have a good daily habit and be the best we can. The biggest reward is that you will open doors for a better future and your parents will be proud of you and how mature you are.
Remember, we are all humans and setting up a new good habit takes time to ingrain it. So if you fail, don’t give up. It will take some time to get things in place and accomplish the right consistency without pain.
Until next time my friend, this month, find a bad habit and replace it for a good one. You live won’t be the same once this is part of your life!
November 4, 2015
Quisque cursus et, porttitor risus. Aliquam sem. In hendrerit nulla quam nunc, accumsan congue.
November 4, 2015
Phasellus fermentum in, dolor. Pellentesque facilisis.
November 4, 2015
my mom keep yelling at me saying time is money .. but I know patient is improtant too
November 4, 2015
Lets enjoy being young .. as adults get too busy and fight to much.
November 4, 2015
Time is important I agree. I cannot wait to be 21!