The life of a Homeschool Girl that want to inspire kids to find amazingness in their life.
You may wonder, when does Sky gets time to do all those things she says in the videos.
Well, first I am blessed to be homeschool. This means I get up at 6:30AM to get ready for the day. Right after that I run to my favorite chair which is the place where the sun hits in the morning (in winter time this help me feel warm) and I start writing.
First Gratitude Journal cause is important to learn to thank the Creator for the big and little things in our life.
Second: I challenge myself to write notes for a video. This notes help me stay clear on my message.
At 7:30 I start homeschool and usually last until noon.
In the afternoon noon I have free time. Which means I record a video or two or three depending on how prepared I am. Then I work on my computer preparing the videos. Right now I am using fantasia but I am kind of transitioning to Final Cut Pro 10.
In the afternoon I also take time to learn a bit about social media as is one of the areas that I really enjoy along with design using picmonkey or photoshop.
And the last one: Visualization THis I do during the day without even noticing as I like to daydream but also at night the moment I turn the lights off to go to sleep.
Are you ready to join me? Are you up for this challenge?
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