Imagination is the human capacity to see that, that is not. Every invention start with the power of the imagination. Because things are created twice, first in your mind, then in reality.
This is an amazing power we posses but unfortunately our education is based on teaching us math, history, science and reading while real life is about dreaming, embracing opportunities and changing the world.
It is easy to be content, to accept things the way they are and to not dream but just let your life goes by.
But I believe that is not the reason we are here. Everything we have was created by creative minds that were not different than the one you and I posses. The difference is that they were dreamers, they saw it in their minds, and they make it real.
Believe .. this is such a power word .. Believe.
Have goals as once you have them, you are in the path to achieve them. Be consistent be determine to make it happen.
Everything start with ideas and our IMAGINATION.
You can create whatever you want to create. Is that simple. Stop being realistic, that is the road to mediocrity. Be unrealistic, be amazing, be extraordinary and change the world.
Live a life full of goals .. Goals are the road to achievement but with discipline and consistency
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