Creative visualization (yes that is a big word) is the process in which you see yourself being the person you want to be, or in the place you want to be or doing that thing you want to be.
I call it DAYDREAMING. And trust me, the world belong to the ones that can dream all day long. Is FREE, is easy .. just DREAM.
Visualization should be part of our daily routine same as gratitude journal.
Visualization is simple and comes natural for kids. It is my believe that adults end up losing this skill fast and unfortunately end up being too stress because of that.
So just Day Dream my friend. All day long dream about the person you want to become.
Once you are clear who is that person, think about how that person dress, how that person behave, what kind of kids that person related to, etc.
If you are not sure who you want to be, look at people around you that you admire and think do I want to be like him or her?
If you do, then ask that person questions like do you like what you do? what do you usually do during the day etc?
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