When we come into this world, we don’t get to learn how to love yourself. How to accept who we are and embrace our uniqueness.
So the first things you have to do in your path of Self Love. Is simple. Stop worrying about what other people think about you. I know I know .. you want to fit in, you want the other guys to accept you, to be part of the group.
Well, if they do not accept and love you the way you are, you are in the wrong group and wasting your time.
I prefer to hang out with the soo call weird people. Why, because they are unique, they stand out and they don’t care what others think about them .. they love who they are how they look that is awesome.
Second, do what you love every day. I know I know, even when you have to do chores and go to school, you can find the time to do what you love and there you can practice self-love. Go for a walk and appreciate nature, go hiking and see the sunset.
Third, love something new about yourself daily and repeat in front of the mirror how much you like that. I love my hair, I love my eyes, I love my legs…
Love your body the way it is, and love yourself the way you are. Forget about beauty standards, they are more photoshop and fake that what you think.
It is more important how you look in than what you look out. And the more beautiful you are in, the more beautiful it will reflect out.
Once you find self love, you will be able to love others openly. As you cannot love others unless you love yourself.
Be authentic, develop your own style. BE YOU. Forget about other people’s approval. You have your approval, and that is enough. Be proud of yourself.
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