Today we are going to talk about HOW TO GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT!
First let’s be realistic, you wonโt get 2 Billion Dollars tomorrow ..
The Universe is full of laws, like the law of gravity. Jump from the floor number 23 and you will die is that simple, as the laws are perfect and it is our responsibility to know them and respect them.
So back to the Law of Attraction. Tell me what you are thinking and I will tell you who you are, in other words, you are what you think off.
If you are a positive person always happy, the good things that are in your mind, you can attract to you. If you are negative .. well guess that is what you attract to your life.
My friends always ask me why I am always happy and positive and how I get to always be popular and excel in all I do.
The reason is simple, once you are clear on what you are, the Universe will bring it to you. Sometimes in days, sometimes in years.
I have a journal that I carry with me all the time. In that book I write about my dreams and what I want. I dream dream dream.
I specify what I want with as many details as I can and I thank the Creator for it .. then guess .. it manifest just like that.
Always be positive. The major law we should follow is LOVE. Love everyone is that simple.
And yes, I know some people are not that easy to love, but send them love anyway .. if they bother you that much .. just try not to think about then and when you do send them love.
So get a journal and start dreaming. Please avoid words like I want to be a youtube start BUT I donโt know how to do it .. THAT IS WRONG.
Instead of that say, I AM A YOUTUBE START, say as many times as you can and feel it .. dream about .. walk like a youtube star, talk like a youtube star, start research and planning your channel .. and it will come to you.
Do not say I WISH, say I AM for example: I AM A YOUTUBE STAR What follows the word I AM is the most important part .. in my case .. A YOUTUBE STAR
Then I wanted a channel, so I dream about it and manifested it in my life. Now I want a community of kids from all over the world so we can work together to make an amazing impact and change the world for the best.
Just thinking about it give me goose bumps. That easy I tap into my energy and feel it real.
NO matter what, the most important thing to remember is BE POSITIVE, Positivity will be the vehicle that takes you to where you are.
Send a clear message to the Universe, do not be negative for example: I wish I had money to buy does shoes but I have no money and I wish that but I have no car etc etc etc.
Say it correctly, I am so happy and thankful I have the shoes I want .. then see yourself walking in the shoes.
Remember, what you think about it you get, whether you want it or not. So be sure you think positive things to attract to yourself what you really want.
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