I love the word UNIQUENESS… As I believe each and every one of us is unique. There is no other SKY LIVE like me. Same with you, there is no other person like you .. you are special in every way you are .. you are awesome.
Unfortunate too many people feel they need to imitate someone else .. Imitate someone else hair color, or way of dressing. Do not do that my friend, do not be a follower. Be UNIQUE, do the things just the way you want, who cares if is not what is fashionable right now. It’s your way to express yourself.
I have learned that by being me, I am happy. As I become a better me every single day. I do not have to compete with others, I don’t have to monitor what other are doing. I am doing things the way I want and I am doing it as I believe is what is good for me.
So, tomorrow when you get up. Look at yourself in the mirror and say .”Sometimes I look good, but today I look REALLY good” and similar. Then continue your day knowing you are unique jus the way you are. You are beautiful just the way you are. And is wonderful.
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