Book Review: GO FOR NO!
I have to confess that the title was the first things that matched my attention. But when I started reading it it was not exactly what I expected.
This book narrates the fictitious life of Eric Bratton starting with his normal life as a sales person. It was an ok life, where he did at least 4 sales a week to reach his quota. He was happy as the job gave him extra time to do things he wanted and it was ok. But one day while sleeping he felt out of the bed and hit his head.
When he woke up he was in another house which he did not recognize. To his surprise the cleaning lady reminded him he was the house owner and he works as a businessman and he was a writer.
He could not believe it, he called his number and the otters Eric Bratton that was living in this reality answered the phone and with some doubt accepted to meet him in his own house.
Same guy, two realities, one of the is extremely successful and the other is an ok guy. The difference was how each of them evaluated a feedback they received one night at their job.
A rich man came to buy clothing, and the sold him over $1000 on merchandise. The owner of the store asked him if that guy ever said not to him. He replied no. And the manager said, then he was still open to buy more stuff. You stop the sales, as that was your limitation on how much someone can spend not his limitation. Eric from the normal life did not react to that comment and continue his life like nothing had happened. The other Eric the successful one, took it as a life lesson and learned that you should never end a sale unless you hear the word no a couple of times.
So his new way of business is to go for NO, instead of trying to get 4 sales, he goes for 4 NOs. This way he excels all possible goals if he goes for YES.
We are all afraid to hear the word NO, that is why sales are so hard. But we need to understand that NO is part of sells and you should not be afraid it.
Well, hope this summary helps you understand the importance of NO and also encourage you to read the book.
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