Book Review: The Perfect Day Formula – By Craig Ballantyne

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I think I got this book for FREE by filling a form online. So I was excited when I got it as I wanted to see if he had some new tricks that I could add to my day formula

What I re-learn in this book is that I can make a great day by being proactive instead of reactive. Now in order to accomplish that I must be persistent and remove bad habits in order to add good habits that will help me succeed.

His formula for a perfect day is built on the Three Cs: Control Conquer and Concentrate

Control Your Morning

Conquer your Chaos

Concentrate on what really matters in the evening

This three C won’t only help you get more done, but have a better life and relationship with the people you care. WHY? Because Structure is equal to FREEDOM

For setting goals, he recommended setting four goals one for health, wealth, social self and enrichments.

He also emphasized the importance to write your vision and to be careful who you share your vision with as this is your treasure map and some people won’t understand or try to steal it from you. You write your vision like if you were living in the future about 3 to 5 years from now and then you describe the amazing things in your life and how things are just the way you planned then. While doing this, be sure to be BIG BOLD CLEAR and CONCISE and as specific as you can.

An example of his schedule is:

4:00 AM he gets up and start writing

6:30 AM he does meditation and eat a healthy breakfast

8:00AM he goes back to writing again

10:30AM his first meeting

11:00Am exercise

NOON reading and lunch

2:00pm phone calls and emails

4:00pm Thinking and gratitude journal

5:00pm Reading Dinner and Family time

8:00pm bed time

Hope this give you a clear idea of what is the book about. I surely learned a lot from him and will be adding some of his ideas to my daily ritual. Remember, rituals are great to help you have a structure day and be able to accomplish your goal.

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