Yesterday I had the pleasure to go to a business conference that was sponsored by Daymond John from Shark Tank. Of all the things that I learned, it was the difference between success and defeat that kept me thinking all night long.
You see, I though that the opposite of success was failure, but I was wrong. The opposite of success is DEFEAT.
Now let me explain you more. A few years ago I went to a violin competition. I was sure I was going to win. But unfortunately, I did not. That was a failure, I practiced and still I failed. I was sad, mad and confuse. I was frustrated but that failure did not stop me. I started preparing even more for the next year competition and guess what, I won first place as a solo and as a duet. And not only that, I won again the year after that.
Now as you can see, I failed the first time I enter the competition, but that was not a defeated.
Failure and Defeat are not the same, when you fail you can choose to get up and do it again or you can choose to be defeated.
I was still committed to make it happen and I made it happen. I succeed but that did not happen right away, took me an extra year of preparation to accomplish that goal.
February 18, 2017
yes it makes sense. no matter how many times you fail as long as you keep trying.
Never give never surrender!
February 18, 2017
I also thought the opposite of success was failure. Thank you for your example. makes sense to me.