Success is about taking control and doing something every single DAY toward your goal.

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Change your life for the best!!! Success is about taking control and doing something every single DAY toward your goal. Commit to something, close your eyes and see yourself being the person you want to become. Dream my friend, be a daydreamer as the world belong to the ones that dreams during the day. The steps are simple: #1 ...

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Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality. ―Robin S. Sharma

It was a surprise to me when I had this realization. Things are indeed created twice. Let me be more specific:

  • First is this mental creation process (you create a blueprint in your mind)
  • Second is the physical creation process (when you actually build it).

So in order for things to be manifested, first we must see it in our mind, then through the laws of the universe it will come to pass.

Imagination & Believe

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Imagination is the human capacity to see that, that is not. Every invention start with the power of the imagination. Because things are created twice, first in your mind, then in reality. This is an amazing power we posses but unfortunately our education is based on teaching us math, history, science and reading while real life ...