Different is GOOD!

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As a homeschool girl, people tend to ask me why I was so different. I was always happy and I was always looking for a new adventure. I am an innovator but they did not know, so they call me different, even weird. So today I am telling you if you are different and people keep calling ...

3 Type of Complainers. Which type are you?

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Are you aware that when you complain, your brain is being rewired for negativism? Dr. Robin Kowalski, professor of psychology at Clemson University, believes there are 3 types of complainers: 1 -The Venters Venters are people who just want to be listened to. They typically look for someone to listen to their complaints but are quick ...

The Power of Intuition!

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So, what is Intuition? Based on Wikipedia, intuition is ‘the ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning, or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired.’ For me, intuition is listening to the quiet voice inside you and listening to the signals that we get from our 5 senses. Everything that is around ...

5 PROVEN WAYS TO Make Money As A Kid

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5 PROVEN WAYS TO Make Money As A Kid & Teen 1- Start A Website (FREE guide) I opened my account at serverpoint.com and they setup my blog. It was very simple and daily I know how to vlog my videos and add inspirational messages. Is very simple, and once you have the blog running you can ...

What happens when we die?

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Today I am talking about Energy. Specifically about Food which is the energy that keeps us alive. You eat food daily which has calorie contend and guess what. A calorie is a source of energy. And that energy is what helps us maintain a temperature of approximately 98.6 degrees. Now, this seems easy but if you think ...

5 Day Positive Challenge – Day 4

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Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. Unfortunately, we get up in the morning rush brush our teeth, get some food and run out of the house running out of control to try to make it on time to school or work. What is wrong with this picture? We started the day without setting ...

3 Day Positive Challenge – Day 3

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Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. Unfortunately, we get up in the morning rush brush our teeth, get some food and run out of the house running out of control to try to make it on time to school or work. What is wrong with this picture? We started the day without setting ...