Some time ago, NASA was a puzzle on how it’s astronauts would deal without gravity, particularly with being upside down in space.
So to test it, NASA has some of the astronauts wear special eye goggles that made their world look upside down. This test was conducted for 30 days. During that time they were not allowed to remove the goggles.
At the end of the 30 days, they discovered something amazing. First, this upside down vision created some stress which was visible in the astronauts’ blood pressure and other vital signs.
But 21 days after the experiment started, something amazing happened. One of the astronauts works turned right side up again. He was wearing the goggles but his world was right-side and looking normal to him. Then, for the next several days, all the other astronauts saw the same.
And after about 30 days, every astronaut’s world looked normal even when they were wearing the upside-down goggles.
So what is the logic behind it, The Astronauts’ brains created new neural pathways that turned the upside-down images the right way up. Their brains helped them function more effectively!
Now they tried the experiment again, this time removing the goggles at day 15, but for some reason, the brain did not flip the image. So they learned they needed to keep the goggles uninterrupted from 21 to 30 days in order for the brain to adapt.
The conclusion: It takes an uninterrupted period of up to 30 days to reprogram your subconscious mind and develop a new habit.
So, if you skip even one day, you have to start all over again. Can you imagine how many times you have done that in the past?? and we wonder why our lives do not change!
So hope you got the message and you are willing to join in this adventure to reprogram our mind in order to create a habit that will help us get to where we want to go.
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