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3 Day Positive Challenge – Day 3

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Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. Unfortunately, we get up in the morning rush brush our teeth, get some food and run out of the house running out of control to try to make it on time to school or work. What is wrong with this picture? We started the day without setting ...

3 Day Positive Challenge – Day 1

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This video introduces my 3 Day Positive Challenge. Perhaps my most useful challenge that will change your life for the best. So, For the next three days, I challenge you to commit to this simple task, to stay POSITIVE I have come to realize that Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you can do to your ...

Strengths and weaknesses

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We all have certain strengths, we all have certain weaknesses. For example, I am really good at leading and I am also good at designing and making videos. But, if you ask me to fix a car I will totally suck at it as I have no idea how to do it. In other words, we are ...

Book Review: Sara from Abraham Hicks

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So two years ago my mom gave me the book Sarah from Esther and Jerry Hicks. This book was not like other books, this book was very special. By accident she happened to listen to one of Esthers life events and she was fascinated by the message. After looking online she found the book Sarah and ...

Success is about taking control and doing something every single DAY toward your goal.

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Change your life for the best!!! Success is about taking control and doing something every single DAY toward your goal. Commit to something, close your eyes and see yourself being the person you want to become. Dream my friend, be a daydreamer as the world belong to the ones that dreams during the day. The steps are simple: #1 ...

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